Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with the Jean Family

I SURVIVED!! Yes, it's over! I survived the holiday madness!! It was all very enjoyable, but I am glad it's done with and I can move on to 2009. I predict this year will be a rough time for us economically, but I am hoping with support from our familes we will be sitting here a year from now and again I will be saying WE SURVIVED!

We started our Christmas holiday with a Christmas Eve Dinner and gifts with Nathaniel's family. We went to his mom and dad's house to celebrate with his sisters and their families. A new guest this year was Mr. Wally Brenner and we all welcomed him with open arms-make it wrk michelle, make it work! Natalee tore in to her gifts just as I had expected and Emilee was too tired to care. Emilee just wanted to bug her older cousins and she succeeded. Here are some pictures from the that evening:

Natalee was BURNING up in her mama and papa's house-wood heat! But she was actually excited about her Barbie that she can take a bath with-even though she doesn't look like it in this picture. Emilee was SUPER tired but she was still willing to unwrap some preseents

Later that night we went home and had prepared to unwrap one gift before bed with the girls. Unfortunately, Emilee crashed on us in the car so Nat opened her own gift and her sisters. NEW JAMMIES!! YAY!! I had prewashed them before wrapping them so they could wear them to bed on Christmas eve. TRADITION!

Natalee and her Jammies on the left and Nat telling me, "Jut a minit!" while she was opening her sisters gift. Natalee and Nathaniel opening Nathaniel's gift from mommy.

The nexy morning was everything I had hoped it would be. The girls came down the stairs and were so surprised. Natalee was upset that "Santa" had broken the cookie that she left for him. Natalee ripped in to her gifts and emilee got her self a slow start but finished strong. All of my gifts were on the walls. Three floating shelves for our living room and new curtains. To me, that was a good set of gifts. Isn't it crazy how you go from barbies to shelves in a span of 20 years?! BElow are some photos from Christmas morning at our humble home:

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Ok so lastnight, in preparation for my day of wrapping presents, I found my favorite movie, White Christmas and was totally psyched about watching it today. This morning I get up and magically the movie has disappeared. I have looked all over this ridiculouslt small house and not a movie to be found that is not animated in some way. I find myself losing more and more movies as time goes on. Is it that I'm too busy to notice myself putting things places they shouldn't be or is it age? Lord knows he has blessed me with a few gray hairs as of late. All I know is Natalee isn't home today and that meant I could watch my fave movie without interruption-Emilee loves the movie. AHHHH!!! WHERE IS MY MOVIE!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wow! Two weeks since I lasted posting anything...Well, let's get up to date! Not a whole lot going on. We are all just getting ready for Christmas. I remember as a child going to midnight mass at St. Francis. The smell of frankincense or something like it filled the air in our church. It was black as night outside and the church was full of glorious light. Many candles and beautiful music. At 8 years old, I was enchanted by it all. The tradition of it all is what gets to me now. I have long sense left the church. I pretty much ended it when my grandpa past away. I use to go to mass every Sunday and you can bet I was there every holy day of obligation and sometimes even when we didn't have to be. Grandpa was the one who instilled GOD in to my life and how important God was and His son. You know how it goes-rebellious teenager filled with doubt and grief-I turned on the one thing that could have helped me-My church and God.
Now that I am older and have children of my own, I realize the importance and the significance of what I was taught and once loved. I want my girls to grow up in the Church and know the real meaning of it all.
On to more secular news findings....Natalee has seen the Santa man this year and it did NOT go well. She was TERRIFIED! So, to counter act the bad experience I've been shoving it down her throat! We have watched more Santa movies than I had ever known to exist. I think she is almost over it. We have decorated the inside of the house as much as I can-I don't really have alot of space to put anything! I need shelves. We have decorated the tree and Natalee has put the stockings up-but not before she wore them as socks! She is convinced that Santa is bringing her a Hanna Montana doll and you can be sure that "Santa" will not let her down. Emilee still doesn't understand the concept of "Santa" bringing her things so for now she will just be excited about toys. We are busy once again this year with making sure we are everywhere we are expected to be. Sometimes I wish that we lived far away and couldn't come home-then we could stay at home in out own beds all day long!
So, in closing I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Try to remember the season for what it is intended-the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

With Love,

Monday, December 1, 2008


Just so you ALL know...I hate trying to buy anything online at! I can not believe that I have to drive all the way to Castleton just to buy a few items for the girls?! Wish me luck in the coming days as I will be driving to Indy. As many of you know the farthest I travel would be Lafayette. Ask Lynn Fischer...She had to ride with me to get to the Beef House because I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO GET THERE!! I really do need to get out more.

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm listening to the Lafayette news tonight hearing of yet ANOTHER young person killed due to the negligence of others. What is it going to take for people to stay out from behind the wheel after you have been drinking?! A 16 year old girl from Harrison High School was killed over the weekend by a drunk driver. And I have heard rumor that some think that we should lower the drinking age! ARE YOU CRAZY!?
I know in my day I made STUPID decisions and that some may think of me as a hypocrite-that's OK. Now that I have children of my own I think about what an idiot I was. So many times I could have killed myself, my friends or innocent strangers. I think it's time to spread the word! You can lead fun, healthy and productive lives with out DRINKING OR DRUG USE!!!!! I speak these words to a family member in hopes that she will listen. As a mother or father our BIGGEST responsibility is to our children-not about going out to the bars. Show your children that you don't have to drink.
Someone said to me a week or so ago, "man I worked all day and I need a break I'm going out this weekend". Mind you this person has a school aged child and does work, but how hard can your life be that you "have to go out" to re-coup? I have been out to "the bars" maybe 3 or 4 times THIS YEAR! One of those times, during our big weekend in September, I drank way too much and still got out of bed that morning to take care of my children. Why? Because my children are what matters. After that weekend everything changed for me. I realized how wonderful my children are and how much fun I have with them at home. I realized how much more I enjoy quiet Friday nights home with my husband. If more couples chose to stay in more, maybe the divorce rate would decline!
My message to mothers/fathers-IF you are going to go out drinking-be responsible. You have children at home who need parents! What kind of parent are you if you go out drinking all night, come home at God only knows what time, if at all and then lay around most of the next day!?

All I'm saying is be thankful that you have been blessed with the children you have. I know individuals personally that would long to be you. They long to be parents-to be a family. Be thankful that you have brothers and sisters and parents that LOVE you. And only want what is best for you and YOUR family.

Thanks for listening to me rant-I really needed it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"My Cindereldi Birtday!"

Yes, that's right. My baby girl, Natalee Cara, is officially three years old. We celebrated on Tuesday morning with just Nathaniel, Emilee, Nat(of course) and myself with a big breakfast and her birthday gift from us. We bought her a Cinderella Barbie. I know it doesn't sound like much, but the party had cost me a bundle already. Here are a couple of photo's of her on her Big 3 Birthday Morning opening her present.

Then on Saturday we celebrated again with a birthday party at Arni's for just the family. Natalee had three birthday cakes. One was a Cinderella and Prince Charming pull-a-part cupcake cake; another was Sleeping Beauty and the last was a stand up Cinderella cake. The stand up cake was courtesy of my Aunt Edith-She's a PRO!
We had pizza, cake and ice cream. Opening presents was super exciting for her and I hope she loved the day we had planned for her. She's a very special little girl and deserved it all. When we started tearing down the party she started to cry out, "My Cindereldi Birtday Party! It's all gone!" I felt bad for her and I tried to find a way to explain that she could have another party in 364 days...she has begun the countdown. How stupid am I? Never mind, don't answer that! Next up...My Birthday:)

She loved when everyone sang to her, but she was still a bit shy about it. Natalee held my hand throughout most of the song!

Natalee's gifts were super and much appreciated. Grammy Tammy and Papa bought her the Tinkerbell movie and it was a HUGE HIT! We watched it that very night and even Nathaniel said it was cute. Two super-duper grandparents that Nat and Em I'm sure love to pieces! Also topping out the birthday gifts were 3 Princess nightgowns from Aunt Joanna-she wants to where them all the time-and money from others that she can use to buy something for herself or save it for a rainy day. She told me while gripping on to her money, " No, mommy it's my money-Don't touch it!" Isn't she sweet?!

During the Birthday festivities Emilee made herself a friend in Aunt Joanne-AKA designated picture taker extraordinaire!

I couldn't think of a better friend for Emmy to have!

Love you!!

And, as many of you know, Natalee's best friend forever is this lovely woman below. My grandma was always so extra special to me and I'm so glad that my daughters have that opportunity too! Nana and Natalee can fight like the best of them, but sometimes grandma just gets her like no one else. What a special bond that is. She's one lucky girl.

In Closing, another birthday has come and gone and the more I think about my babies growing up I get a lot of mixed emotions about the entire thing. I came across old movies of Nat from march of 2007 and I know it wasn't that long ago, but it seems like an eternity. She was dragging around her blankie and had her binkie hanging out of her mouth-she was a baby and today I look at her and see her growing into a smart, talented and beautiful little girl. It's as if I snapped my fingers and we went from the hospital to now in seconds. I'm glad she's learning and growing but I hope she never forgets how I have loved her.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Very First Blog!

OK, so it's been brought to my attention that my family should have a blog page. Mostly because I take an INSANE amount of pictures and end up sending out around 4 emails to each person so that they can see them all. I've thought about this before but worried that I would not have enough time to devote to a page. So, Mary here ya go!

Over the past few months I have experienced everything from elation to utter disappointment. We were going to be buying a new home-finally-then at the very possible last minute things started looking sour for Nathaniel at work and we just were not going to be able to swing the cost of keeping up both houses. So, my dreams of a new and larger home for my girls were shattered. I have things still in boxes because I just can't bear the idea of unpacking them. Nathaniel assures me often that someday I will have that home that I've dreamed of to raise our family in0to make memories in. Until then, we're still here in our shack!

We had a great Halloween this year! Natalee and I painted pumpkins and Emilee watched. She is still a bit young for such a task. I made orange rise krispie treats that were great!! Natalee was Sleeping Beauty this year and I must say it suits her to a t! Em was Tinkerbell and looked ADORABLE! My nephew, Chance went trick-or-treating with us and was a transformer-and was so super cool!

Natalee just turned the BIG 3 yesterday. I can't believe my baby went from so incredibly tiny and helpless to this smart, funny and sometimes very trying child. We have just about mastered the potty, she sings ALL THE TIME, she loves Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and most importantly she loves me and I am completely amazed and in love with her. She starts pre-school in January and part of me is super excited. The other part and thinking about how fast it all is going. I can't wait to see who she becomes and all the amazing things yet to come.
Below you can all check out the great pictures I was able to get of the girls playing outside in our yard with all of the leaves. I think the turned out great-but I guess I am a little biased! ENJOY!