Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wow! So much has been going on since the last time I was on here. We've had Valentine's Day, my Mom's birthday, Nat's 1st school pictures and everything else in between. The biggest happenings have been Nathaniel NOT getting lay-off and my grandma's hospital stay. Nathaniel was very close to losing his job and by the graces of God he was not part of the 439 people who were laid off. This past Friday my Grandma thought she was having a heart attack while she was babysitting my girls. Thankfully, she was not but she was told to quit smoking or die. So, despite her minor mood swings I think she is doing OK. She misses Nat and Em and wants to see them almost everyday. Starting next week she can have them back again. I'm hoping to work some more hours out at Misty's bakery this spring. I love being there and I want to work for her if she needs me.
Nathaniel and I started marriage counseling this past Monday. Somewhere along the way we have managed to lose our spark. But two kids and working all the time can do that to a marriage. There is a little more to it but I'm not going to go in to it on here. Just wanted to let everyone know and wanted to ask for some prayers.
Here are a BUNCH of pics that I just have to show you!