Friday, January 9, 2009

Hooray! It's your Birthday Emmy!

Yes, it's true my sweet baby Emmy is officially two years old. I remember the day she was born. I wasn't due until the 19th, but as is her fashion she does everything her way and on her schedule. My Emilee-sweet, cuddly and at times meaner than a snake. She's rough with her not so rough older sister. I predict many nights of screaming and hair pulling between the two, but I also can already see the incredible bond that they have. Emmy always wants to know where her Sissy is and Natalee feels the same. I think it was harder on Emilee when Natalee started going to school this week than it has been for Natalee. Any who...rambling again...Here are some pictures of us four hanging out at the house for Emilee's birthday. We gave Emilee a little stuffed Tigger Toy-she loves him. Natalee tried to take it from her and Emilee said in her high pitched little voice, "No, Mine!" My baby is two-on to potty-training!
Enjoy the pics!Emmy always has her tongue hanging out-my Grandpa Ben use to do that all the time too! Here she is opening her present-she was pretty excited!!
Here she is checking it out and trying to show it to me. When she peeled the wrapping paper back she yelled, "TIGGER!" She was definitely showing him off now. She said, "Mommy, see? Tigger!" ~Sisterly Love~ She is so special to me. What a sweet face.

Emilee and her Daddy-They do kinda complete one another-She follows him everywhere! A bond that can never be broken. Sisters for life-live, laugh, love. She looks so silly in this picture-I think it's my favorite! Don't mind us-just doing as monkeys do-Just hangin' around! I think that this monkey is just a bit too tall for daddy to play this game anymore...Sorry Nat!

1 comment:

The Haste Family said...

How cute are they? Very! :)