Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Frustration, Irritation

OK, so I've been having trouble getting my pics to upload...so no new pics for a while. Anyway, Easter is this weekend and as usual I have myself spread as thin at Tori Spellings waistline. Friday I am hopefully going to pick up my cousin from the other side of the state. It's his birthday that day but I HOPEFULLY can talk him in to coming on that day. Saturday is Bunnyville and Church at 7pm. I am going on Saturday evening b/c Sunday would be almost impossible. I am spending most of the day on Sunday in Hoopeston with Nathaniel's family. He told me that if I give up spending Christmas with my family we could spend all day Easter with mine. Of course I am not going to give up Christmas with my family. We made a deal to spend Christmas Eve with his Family and Christmas day with mine. His family has a big to-do on Christmas Eve with all the presents, bells and whistles. So, it only makes since to spend all day Christmas Eve with them and give Christmas Day to mine. AHHHH!! Am I rambling yet?! Then he said that if I really don't want to go to Hoopeston on Sunday I could spend Easter with my family but he was taking the girls to Hoopeston. Which means I wouldn't be with my girls on Easter. Has it occurred to anyone else that he was threatening me? I'd like to see him try and spend an ENTIRE day with the girls. I will not let that happen. He was pulling at my heart strings. He knows damn well that I would obviously be miserable ALL day in Hoopeston than spend a holiday away from my girls. The only thing that ticks me off about going to Hoopeston this weekend is the time difference-we're eating at 1pm IL time so that means 2pm IN time. That is right in the middle of the day. So I have Easter morning at home with the girls then off to Hoopeston by noon-no time with my family. I'm tired of all the crap anymore. I don't want to live life dreading holidays. I'm my mom's only kid and I'm the only one out of my dad's kids that shows up on holidays. So, my parents will be spending Easter without me and without their granddaughters.
We bicker all the time. Most days I would rather grab my girls and leave than sit in the silence. I feel like I'm screaming on the inside but putting on a happy face. Am I going crazy or am I already there?


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

hang in there girl. holidays are crazy for all families (I think.) I will praying that the weekend goes smoothly and that it is relaxing for all.

Jamie Grant said...

Hey....I know EXACTLy where you are coming from. Isn't it frustrating that our family has to always be the ones who are willing to give a little??? Maybe it's just in our/their nature to be understanding. Wanna talk sometime? We'll be home this weekend.

Jean's Blessings said...

Jamie I just logged on here and seen your msg. I can't wait til your home again. I want to bring the girls down to your mom and dads. MAybe cook out? I think dad would like it. I miss you girls. I always loved ya like my sisters-being an only child does that too you:)